My new house I moving into in 2.5 weeks
Jack Johnson, who I am flying to see in Vancouver in October!
Donna Downey, I find her so inspiring.....
Crocheted Flowers, oh how I wish I could do this
Taking the kids here....
The new City Park line from American Crafts, coming soon!
Making my own Home Decor
My friends new pool!
These two darlings
My New Bangs
Inspired by Cori-Lyn....
A few days in Chichicastenango, Guatemala
5 months ago
I love your new house too! It's super nice!
I love JJ! I bought his newest CD the morning I had the car accident and it got lost in the camotion.
I never heard of her before but I like what I see.
I'm not a fan of crocheted flowers.
DQ rules!
I don't make decore much.
I love my friends pool too! LOL
I don't know 'em but they look cute!
I love your bangs too! They suit you!
I love your new house too!
Jack Johnson I don't know I'm not in touch with pop culture, You'd completely think I was 60 in this regard, but really I'm in my 30'
I love that card you put up there, I can see how you find her inspiring!
I love crocheted flowers too...wonder if my mom can make them for me??? lol
I love the colors of that line! I'll have to keep my eyes open for it.
I don't do much of my home decor, unless you count printing a picture and putting it in a frame...because I do do that!
Ahh lovely pool!
Your kids are too cute!
Love the bangs!
Great Post
YOu are one happy lucky girl!!! Love the new bangs!!!
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