A series of events from this fabulous year...
I was published 6 times in Canadian Scrapbooker
Tayla started Kindergarten
River fell whole heartedly in love with super heros
Ray continued to amaze us with his desire to make Carsgone successful
I improved my design skills immensely
Tayla cut her own hair (YIKES!)
Tayla lost her first two teeth
The sky had another star added to it when we lost Auntie Sue
I turned 30!! Ray and everyone planned a HUGE surprise party for me (xoxo)
We bought the 2000 Chevy Astro van aka. Loser Cruiser
River amazed us with his vocabulary and impressive memory
Our beloved Fish Juju went on to fresher waters after 4 happy years with us
I was asked to be a photographer for a wedding, it was the opportunity of a
I had another 12 months with the most amazing scrapbooking ladies ever! Koren, Daryth, Courtenay, Rachel, Natalie, Teacher Annette, Gisele, Joanna, Dawn, & Kari!!!! You girls inspire me ;)
Ray was fired from his job of 9 years with the yachimec group, and it was
the best thing that could have happened to us.we took Carsgone to a whole
new level
Ray and I bought ourselves a Wii game system
I blogged a lot, and loved documenting life and creative projects
I was on design teams for Sisterhood of Scrap, Crop Suey, & A Pile of Scrap!
Last year of the real Goodsoil
Went to Jason Mraz concert with Jen, Nedo, and Mike and almost got in a
fight, lol.
Candace had a whole week in Saskatoon with family for Christmas
Tayla saw her daddy Nathan after a long absence from her life
Went to Fairmont for a Carsgone holiday.
We adopted some Sea monkeys
Tayla bloomed as an artist
Goodbye 2009 you were so good to us, but we are looking forward to an even better year in 2010!